Today is not yesterday, but tomorrow it will be.
The time for change is not today but yesterday, and therefore today must be different for the sake of tomorrow, when yesterday will be today.
Hope is the instrument of change, hope for something that is unlike what has not changed and has remained the same.
Change makes things different because when something changes it is no longer like the things it used to be the same as.
Without change there can be no hope, without hope there can be no change.
Without change yesterday will be the same as today will be tomorrow; but with hope tomorrow will change and be less similar to yesterday than today.
Yet to have hope tomorrow today must not be like yesterday.
Only a hopeful yesterday will change tomorrow to a better today; for yesterday is in the past, tomorrow is in the future and today is right now. And the future is now, for today is tomorrow's yesterday.
Hope for change today will be memories of change when tomorrow is yesterday. A vote for ApeCod is a vote in hope for tomorrow to change so that today will be different than yesterday when tomorrow is in the past.
ApeCod today!
New hope for change!
and also...